Nadees Prabou, watercolor artist from Pondicherry finished my BFA in the year 1998. I usually capture the daily life of the people wherever I go.
Streets of India are unique in their own way. It’s really beautiful, when you walk down the streets you can see the roadside shops filling up the sides, dogs and cows sharing the streets with the people.

For an artist its a fantastic feast for eyes. He captures the light that pass through the streets and the people on them, whether its summer or heavy rain monsoon. Light falls on the surfaces, the sun comes through fabric shades. He tries to portray the happiest features and the deepest challenges in my paintings, all that’s explored and still learning.

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    Temples of South

    28,000.00 18 x 24 inches
    A watercolor charmer, these set of 2 paintings showing our traditional south Indian temples. The negative spaces in the panting help the viewer to focus…