Painted Rhythm Art Gallery

Art Sourcing

Art Sourcing

Let us Help you by sourcing the perfect Artwork by the Artist you are looking for!

Is there a particular artist you like but didn’t find in our gallery? Well we can still help you! A lot of our clients come to us with their wish list and in cases when we don’t have a particular artist’s work, we often source them for the client.

All you need to do is contact the gallery at +91 9821257569 (Ajay Veera) or and describe the work to us (in case you don’t know the artist) or simply give us the artist’s name and the kind of work you are interested in!

Rest we will ensure you get the artwork you are looking for.

Love the painting but want to have a close look at it physically? Schedule a meeting for viewing this painting physically at our store and we shall keep it ready for display.