Nandi Bull



  • Ranjit Kurmi

The artist does not believe in meaning and message but in strong happenings and moving scenes which enable him to see lines, shapes and colours with which to build the final compositions.

36 x 42 inches
Relief Work on Canvas
Horizontal Rectangle
Dwelling on nature

Ranjeet Kurmi, born in 1970 in Mumbai has received Government’s Diploma in Fine Art from the Raheja School of Art, Mumbai in 1995 and Art Teacher’s Diploma from the Sir J.J. School of Arts in 1997.

This artist who has lived his entire life in the city is drawn to a variety of subjects from the life in the city. Even a flower vase is a symbol of the urban dweller’s desire to have ‘nature’ around him and Ranjeet draws his imspiration from such small observations. He has now arrived at this point after a long journey that took him to through the realms of non-figurative works to his current foray in figuration. His current works are an amalgamation of his experiences in both genres of paintings.


36 x 42 inches


Relief Work on Canvas


Horizontal Rectangle