


  • Sachin Kharat

Through his art Sachin Kharat showcases the inner and outer mysteries of the mind, body and beauty of women. Glimpses of Ajanta and Ellora, lotus, nymphs of Khajuraho, Buddha all can be seen in Kharat’s works. His paintings are culturally rooted with hints of the folklore of India.

He uses vibrant colours that stand as a testimonial to the vibrancy of India’s culture. Highly detailed and intricate with a bright pop of colours define Sachin’s elegant painting style.

Acrylic on canvas
SKU: SK005 Categories: , ,

Sachin Kharat, through his paintings, tries to showcase the inner & outer appearance of the mind and body, the beauty of woman her mystery & nostalgic nature.

Keeping the eyes, eyebrows, forehead, nose, lips, ears, beauty of hair similar in all paintings, he tries to express the various steps of life. Also the flowers in wreath are same and their colors are different showing her inner expressions.

According to him if the paintings are seen by keen multiangle versions one can experience a woman’s appearance, her fragrance & touch.


Painting selected for The State Art, Mumbai, (2013).
Painting selected for The Bombay Art Society Exhibition, (2013).
Camlin Kokoyu Best Entry Award, Maharashtra region, (2012).
Best Portrait Prize for portrait of Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil, Rayat Shikshan Sanstha, Satara (2012).
1stPrize Dist. Level in Spot Painting& Poster making, Wadala (2005).
Bronze Medal in Spot Painting at Dapoli, kokan (2005).
Gold Medal- Spot Painting, Silver Medal- Poster Making at Ujjain M.P, West Zone (05).
First Prize in Fort making competition, Shri Chattrapati Shivaji Maharaj Smarak Mandal, Solapur (2005 & 2006 successively).
Gold Medal in both Spot &Poster Painting at Harayana, Kurukshetra (2006).
First prize for Poster Competition, Rahuri Corporation, Maharashtra (2006).
Bronze Medal in Installation Competition, Aurangabad (2007).


18 x 18 inches


Acrylic on canvas

