

These sculptures are a rare find in the market due to its texture and finishing qualities. Definitely worth placing these on one of your racks. They are also budget friendly beautifully crafted pieces suitable for gifting purposes. The Hindu deity, Hanuman, is an ardent devotee of Ram (the seventh avatar of God Vishnu) and a central character in the Ramayana. A general among the vanaras, Hanuman was a warrior of God Ram in the war against the demon king Ravan. Hanuman’s exploits are much celebrated in a variety of religious and cultural traditions, particularly in Hinduism, to the extent that he is often the object of worship according to some bhakti traditions and is the prime deity in many temples known as Hanuman Mandirs. He is one of seven chiranjeevs (immortals) as per Sanatan Dharma. Hanuman also appears in Mahabharata on Arjuna’s chariot as ‘dhwaj’.

4.5" x 7.5"
SKU: N/A Categories: ,

4.5" x 7.5"

